Programming Methodology Group publications by Umesh Maheshwari

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Collecting Distributed Garbage Cycles by Back Tracing
by Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov.
In ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), (Santa Barbara, CA), Aug. 1997, pp. 239-248.

Fragment Reconstruction: Providing Global Cache Coherence in a Transactional Storage System
by Atul Adya, Miguel Castro, Barbara Liskov, Umesh Maheshwari, and Liuba Shrira.
In International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, (Baltimore, Maryland), May 1997.

Efficient optimistic concurrency control using loosely synchronized clocks
by Atul Adya, Robert Gruber, Barbara Liskov, and Umesh Maheshwari.
In ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), (San Jose, CA), June 1995, pp. 23-34.

Collecting Cyclic Distributed garbage by Controlled Migration
by Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov.
In Proceedings of Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 1995. Best student paper award.

“Fault-Tolerant Distributed Garbage Collection in a Client-Server, Object-Oriented Database”
by Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov.
In Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, (Austin, TX), Sep. 1994.

“References to Remote Mobile Objects in Thor”
by Mark Day, Barbara Liskov, Umesh Maheshwari, and Andrew Myers.
In ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems, Mar. 1994.

“The Language-Independent Interface of the Thor Persistent Object System”
by Barbara Liskov, Mark Day, Sanjay Ghemawat, Robert Gruber, Umesh Maheshwari, Andrew Myers, and Liuba Shrira.
Object-Oriented Multidatabase Systems, (O. Bukhres and A. Elmagarmid, eds.), 1994, Prentice-Hall.

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Programming Methodology Group