A Trusted Third-Party Computation Service
``A Trusted Third-Party Computation Service''
Sameer Ajmani,
Robert Morris, and
Barbara Liskov.
MIT technical report MIT-LCS-TR-847, May 2001.
We present TEP, a system that supports general-purpose shared computation
between mutually-distrusting parties. TEP is useful for applications, such
as auctions and tax preparation, that use private information from
multiple participants. Such applications cannot be run on any one
participant's computer without sacrificing the other participants'
privacy. TEP acts as a trusted service that hosts the sensitive parts of
such applications. TEP uses a Java VM to load and run computations on
behalf of clients. TEP uses Java security mechanisms and cryptographic
protocols to ensure that (1) a program can communicate only with the
specific participants identified for a computation and (2) each
participant knows exactly what program is being run and who the other
participants are. This lets participants determine whether information
they send to the computation can be exposed to other participants; we show
how static analysis greatly simplifies this task. Example programs show
that the TEP model is useful and easy to program; benchmarks show that the
TEP prototype implementation is fast enough to be practical.
BibTeX entry:
author = {Sameer Ajmani and Robert Morris and Barbara Liskov},
title = {A Trusted Third-Party Computation Service},
institution = {MIT},
number = {MIT-LCS-TR-847},
month = may,
year = {2001}
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