Annotation: Upgrades a replicated server by upgrading each replica in turn. Assumes that (1) multiple upgrades do not interleave, (2) version v+1 offers a compatible interface to version v, (3) there exists a mapping from version v's state to version v+1, and (4) clients only use extensions offered by v+1's interface after all replicas are upgraded. Upgrades are scheduled by totally ordering the replicas (using some replica identifier). Assumes full compatibility between different versions, so doesn't need to convert messages between versions (i.e., no simulation mode).
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{solarski02towards, author = {Marcin Solarski and Hein Meling}, title = {Towards Upgrading Actively Replicated Servers on-the-fly}, booktitle = {Workshop on Dependable On-line Upgrading of Dist. Systems in conjunction with {COMPSAC} 2002}, address = {Oxford, England}, month = aug, year = {2002} }
Sameer Ajmani