The correctness of our scheme depends on two properties: (i) multistamps reflect dependencies properly; (ii) multistamps flow and are acted upon in a timely way.
Step (2a) of commit processing in Section 5.1 ensures that the multistamp for a transaction T contains tuples for all invalidations caused by it and step (3) ensures that T's multistamp contains all tuples in multistamps of transactions T depends on. The fact that we delay a client that fetches an object modified by T while T is prepared and the fact that the coordinator sends the merged multistamp in its commit decision ensures that all of T's read-write participants have the complete invalidation information for T and the transactions it depends on. By induction on the dependency relation we know that T's multistamp contains tuples reflecting all invalidations of T or any transaction it depends on. Truncation preserves dependencies because, for _m'_, the truncated form of _m_, the timestamp for any client/server pair in EFF(_m'_) is greater than or equal to the timestamp for the pair in EFF(_m_).
Multistamps flow in a timely way.
The only way a transaction U comes to
depend on some other transaction T is by reading a modification of T. This
can occur only if its client fetches a page modified by T. But when such a
fetch occurs, the multistamp of T is sent to the client (in the multistamp
of the returned page); the client
records this information (in REQ). The REQ and LATEST data structures are
used by a client to maintain the invariant that its cache is up-to-date
with respect to all servers in the current transaction. Whenever the cache
gets new information (i.e. a page is fetched) or a server is accessed for
the first time in the current transaction, the client ensures that
REQ[S] LATEST[S] for all servers S used by the current transaction.