Experiment setup:
- Intel Pentium III 600 MHz processor
- 512 MB RAM
- Linux 2.2.16
- FE and OR runs on a single server
We present some preliminary experimental results from our
implementation of the software upgrade in the Thor OODBMS. Our
experiment focus on the worst case analysis and from the results of
these experiments, we argue that the performance impact of our lazy,
transaction-based upgrade propagation scheme is acceptable. We are
unaware of any previous emprical results that actually proves this
point in a real system.
Our experiment is based on the de facto OO7 Benchmark [1]. In summary,
the database consist of a tree of
assembly objects made up of
composite parts. Each
composite part is in turn, made
up of several
atomic parts. We conducted our experiment on the
small database configuration. The interested reader should refer to
[1] for more details on the benchmark.
The first set of experiment measures the cost of checking for an
upgrade. When an application transaction encounters an object, it
needs to determine if the object is in fact outdated. Outdated
objects can exist in the FE since we propagate our upgrades lazily.
Consequently, each application transaction will incur an additional
overhead of checking if the object needs to be upgraded. Our
experiments showed that the impact of this cost is minimal when
running application transactions that did not require any upgrades.
In this experiment, the objects required by the application
transaction are already in the FE's cache; otherwise, the cost of
shipping objects from the OR to the FE will dominate. There are two
scenarios that we consider, namely:
- All the objects required are installed in the ROT. As
mentioned earlier, all the objects in the ROT are of the
correct version unless the transaction that we are running is a
transform transaction. Hence the cost incurred will be to
determine if the transaction is an application transacton or a
transform transaction.
- The objects required for the transaction is not installed in the
ROT. When the objects required by the application transaction
is not in the ROT, we need install it into the ROT, and
at the same time, check if the object is an updated version since our
protocol does not guarantee that objects not in the ROT are of
the correct version.
In the first set of experiments, we measure the overhead of running
application transactions when all the objects are up-to-date. Next,
we measure the cost of actually running the upgrades, excluding any
application specific costs since we are purely measuring the overhead
and not the work done by the upgrade itself. In order to do this, we
run a
null transform on the objects. A
null transform
transforms an object from
, where
are identical i.e., it simply copies objects from
one schema to another schema of the same structure. In this
experiment, we upgraded the schema of the
Atomic Part and run
traversals on the database tree. When an atomic object is encountered
for the first time, the application transaction will be suspended and
the transform function will upgrade the atomic object to the new
version before the application transaction is allowed to resume. In
this way, the application transaction will see only the latest version
of the
Atomic Object. The fact that the FE contains outdated
versions of
Atomic Objects is invisible to the application
Our experiments showed that application with upgrades and that without
upgrades are of the same order of magnitude in terms of performance.
[1] M. J. Carey, D. J. Dewitt, C. Kant, and J. F. Naughton.
A status report on the OO7 OODBMS benchmarking effort.
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), October 1994.