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8 Conclusions

This paper has described a new state-machine replication system that offers both integrity and high availability in the presence of Byzantine faults. The new system can be used to implement real services because it performs well, works in asynchronous systems like the Internet, and recovers replicas to enable long-lived services.

The system described here improves the security and robustness against software errors of previous systems by recovering replicas proactively and frequently. It can tolerate any number of faults provided fewer than 1/3 of the replicas become faulty within a window of vulnerability. This window can be small (e.g., a few minutes) under normal load conditions and when the attacker does not corrupt replicas' copies of the service state. Additionally, our system provides intrusion detection; it detects denial-of-service attacks aimed at increasing the window and detects the corruption of the state of a recovering replica.

Recovery from Byzantine faults is harder than recovery from benign faults for several reasons: the recovery protocol itself needs to tolerate other Byzantine-faulty replicas; replicas must be recovered proactively; and attackers must be prevented from impersonating recovered replicas that they controlled. For example, the last requirement prevents signatures in messages from being valid indefinitely. However, this leads to a further problem, since replicas may be unable to prove to a third party that some message they received is authentic (because its signature is no longer valid). All previous state-machine replication algorithms relied on such proofs. Our algorithm does not rely on these proofs and has the added advantage of enabling the use of symmetric cryptography for authentication of all protocol messages. This eliminates the use of public-key cryptography, the major performance bottleneck in previous systems.

The algorithm has been implemented as a generic program library with a simple interface that can be used to provide Byzantine-fault-tolerant versions of different services. We used the library to implement BFS, a replicated NFS service, and ran experiments to determine the performance impact of our techniques by comparing BFS with an unreplicated NFS. The experiments show that it is possible to use our algorithm to implement real services with performance close to that of an unreplicated service. Furthermore, they show that the window of vulnerability can be made very small: 1.5 to 10 minutes with only 2% to 27% degradation in performance.


We would like to thank Kyle Jamieson, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Bill Weihl, and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments on drafts of this paper. We also thank the Computer Resource Services staff in our laboratory for lending us a switch to run the experiments and Ted Krovetz for the UMAC code.

Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov, "Proactive Recovery in a Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant System", in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, San Diego, USA, October 2000.