Bytecode Extensions

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Bytecode Extensions


The most visible change to the virtual machine is the addition of two new opcodes (named invokewhere and invokestaticwhere) that support invocation of the methods that correspond to the where clauses. They provide invocation of normal and static methods, respectively. Constructors are treated as normal methods. For example, the expression b.key.equals(k) in Figure 4 is implemented using invokewhere, as shown in Figure 6.

aload_2                                           // push "b" on stack
getfield <Field HashBucket[Key,Value].key #0;>
aload_3                                           // push "k" on stack

Figure 6: Calling b.key.equals(k)

Other minor changes were made to the format of a ".class" file, which supply the bytecode verifier with enough added information to directly verify parameterized code. We extended the encoding of type signatures to capture instantiation and formal parameter types, and added information to describe the parameters and where clauses of the class. Figure 6 shows one example of the extended type signatures: the signature for equals includes a ``#0'', which represents the first formal parameter type (Key) of the current class. (The Z indicates that the return type of equals is boolean.)

Andrew C. Myers, Joseph A. Bank, Barbara Liskov
Copyright © 1996 Association for Computing Machinery