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B. Liskov, M. Day, S. Ghemawat, R. Gruber, U. Maheshwari, A. Myers, and
L. Shrira.
The Language-Independent Interface of the Thor Persistent Object
In O. Bukhres and A. Elmagarmid, editors, Object-Oriented
Multidatabase Systems. Prentice-Hall, 1994.
Also available as Programming Methodology Group Memo 80, MIT Lab.
for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, March 1994.
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B. Liskov, R. Gruber, P. Johnson, and L. Shrira.
A Highly Available Object Repository for Use in a Heterogeneous
Distributed System.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
Persistent Object Systems, pages 255-266, Martha's Vineyard, MA, September
Proceedings published as Implementing Persistent Object Bases:
Principles and Practice, A. Dearle, G. Shaw, and S. Zdonik, editors, Morgan
Kaufmann, 1991. Also available as Programming Methodology Group Memo 70, MIT
Lab. for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, August 1990.
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B. Liskov and J. Wing.
Family Values: A Behavioral Notion of Subtyping.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
November 1994.