[Sameer Ajmani] Sameer Ajmani
PhD in Computer Science
Google Software Engineer

PGP/GPG Public Key
Programming Methodology Group
Computer Science and AI Laboratory
EE and Computer Science Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

Who I Am

Family. Friends. Spicy food.

Research and Projects

Automatic Software Upgrades for long-lived distributed systems.

ConChord: A large-scale certificate distribution system.

TEP: A trusted execution platform for multiparty computation.

Research with Professor Barbara Liskov.

Professional Background

CV. Publications. Past projects and employment.

I'm a software engineer with Google.

PhD in Computer Science from MIT (2004).

SM in Computer Science from MIT (2000).

BA in Computer Science from Cornell University (1998).

Internships at Teradyne, Sightpath/Cisco, and ArsDigita/RedHat.


JSDSI: A Java SPKI/SDSI implementation.

delicious-bookmarks.py: Converts del.icio.us posts to bookmarks that you can import into your browser.