
This project aims to solve the problem of how to do automatic software upgrades: how to cause the code running in the system to change while the system continues to run. We are interested in two different but related subproblems: how to upgrade code of objects in a distributed object-oriented database, and how to upgrade code in robust distributed systems that are intended to provide continuous service over a very long lifetime. In either case, there is a compelling need for automatic upgrades to correct software errors, improve performance, or to change system behavior, e.g., to support new features.
More on software upgrades in a OODBMS ...

Copyright notice.


“Modular Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani, Barbara Liskov, and Liuba Shrira.
In European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), July 2006.
Details. Download: ps, pdf .


“Automatic Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani.
Ph.D. dissertation, MIT, Sep. 2004. Also as Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-1012.
Details. Download: ps, pdf .


“Automatic Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani, Barbara Liskov, and Liuba Shrira.
Oct. 2003. Poster presented at the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 19).
Details. Download: pdf.

“Lazy Modular Upgrades in Persistent Object Stores”
by Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Barbara Liskov, Liuba Shrira, Chuang-Hue Moh, and Steven Richman.
In ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), (Anaheim, California), Oct. 2003.
Details. Download: pdf, ps.

“Scheduling and Simulation: How to Upgrade Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani, Barbara Liskov, and Liuba Shrira.
In Ninth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-IX), (Lihue, Hawaii), May 2003, pp. 43-48.
Details. Download: ppt, pdf, ps.

“Automatic Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani.
Apr. 2003. Ph.D. thesis proposal.
Details. Download: pdf, ps .

“Ownership Types for Object Encapsulation”
by Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Barbara Liskov, and Liuba Shrira.
In ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), (New Orleans, Louisiana), Jan. 2003.
Details. Download: pdf, ps .


“Distributed System Upgrade Scenarios”
by Sameer Ajmani.
Oct. 2002.
Details. Download: pdf, ps .

“A Review of Software Upgrade Techniques for Distributed Systems”
by Sameer Ajmani.
Aug. 2002.
Details. Download: pdf, ps, bib, html.

“Ownership Types and Safe Lazy Upgrades in Object-Oriented Databases”
by Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Barbara Liskov, and Liuba Shrira.
MIT technical report MIT-LCS-TR-858, July 2002.
Details. Download: ps, pdf .

“Safe Lazy Software Upgrades in Object-Oriented Databases”
by Barbara Liskov, Chuang-Hue Moh, Steven Richman, Liuba Shrira, Yin Cheung, and Chandrasekhar Boyapati.
MIT technical report MIT-LCS-TR-851, June 2002.
Details. Download: ps, pdf .


“Software Upgrades in Distributed Systems”
by Barbara Liskov.
Oct. 2001. Keynote address at the 18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP).
Details. Download: ppt, ps .

“Lazy Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases”
by Yin Cheung.
Masters thesis, MIT, Sep. 2001.
Details. Download: ps, pdf .


“Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Applications in Java”
by Ziqiang Tang.
Masters thesis, MIT, Sep. 2000.
Details. Download: ps .

“Lazy Type Changes in Object-Oriented Databases”
by Shan-Ming Woo.
Masters thesis, MIT, Jan. 2000.
Details. Download: ps .


“Reconfiguration in Argus”
by Toby Bloom and Mark Day.
In Intl. Workshop on Configurable Dist. Systems, (London, England), Mar. 1992, pp. 176-187.


“Dynamic Module Replacement in a Distributed Programming System”
by Toby Bloom.
Ph.D. dissertation, MIT, 1983, 134 pages. Also as MIT LCS Tech. Report 303.
Details. Download: pdf .

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