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8 Related Work

Most previous work on replication techniques ignored Byzantine faults or assumed a synchronous system model (e.g., [10, 6, 34, 18, 26, 17]). Viewstamped replication [26] and Paxos [18] use views with a primary and backups to tolerate benign faults in an asynchronous system. Tolerating Byzantine faults requires a much more complex protocol with cryptographic authentication, an extra pre-prepare phase, and a different technique to trigger view changes and select primaries. Furthermore, our system uses view changes only to select a new primary but never to select a different set of replicas to form the new view as in [18, 26].

Some agreement and consensus algorithms tolerate Byzantine faults in asynchronous systems (e.g,[24, 3, 2]). However, they do not provide a complete solution for state machine replication, and furthermore, most of them were designed to demonstrate theoretical feasibility and are too slow to be used in practice. Our algorithm during normal-case operation is similar to the Byzantine agreement algorithm in [2] but that algorithm is unable to survive primary failures.

The two systems that are most closely related to our work are Rampart [22, 31, 30, 29] and SecureRing [16]. They implement state machine replication but are more than an order of magnitude slower than our system and, most importantly, they rely on synchrony assumptions.

Both Rampart and SecureRing must exclude faulty replicas from the group to make progress (e.g., to remove a faulty primary and elect a new one), and to perform garbage collection. They rely on failure detectors to determine which replicas are faulty. However, failure detectors cannot be accurate in an asynchronous system [21], i.e., they may misclassify a replica as faulty. Since correctness requires that fewer than 1/3 of group members be faulty, a misclassification can compromise correctness by removing a non-faulty replica from the group. This opens an avenue of attack: an attacker gains control over a single replica but does not change its behavior in any detectable way; then it slows correct replicas or the communication between them until enough are excluded from the group.

To reduce the probability of misclassification, failure detectors can be calibrated to delay classifying a replica as faulty. However, for the probability to be negligible the delay must be very large, which is undesirable. For example, if the primary has actually failed, the group will be unable to process client requests until the delay has expired. Our algorithm is not vulnerable to this problem because it never needs to exclude replicas from the group.

Phalanx [25, 23] applies quorum replication techniques [12] to achieve Byzantine fault-tolerance in asynchronous systems. This work does not provide generic state machine replication; instead, it offers a data repository with operations to read and write individual variables and to acquire locks. The semantics it provides for read and write operations are weaker than those offered by our algorithm; we can implement arbitrary operations that access any number of variables, whereas in Phalanx it would be necessary to acquire and release locks to execute such operations. There are no published performance numbers for Phalanx but we believe our algorithm is faster because it has fewer message delays in the critical path and because of our use of MACs rather than public key cryptography. The approach in Phalanx offers the potential for improved scalability; each operation is processed by only a subset of replicas. But this approach to scalability is expensive: it requires n > 4f+1 to tolerate f faults; each replica needs a copy of the state; and the load on each replica decreases slowly with n (it is O(1/sqrt(n))).

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Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov,  "Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance", in Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, New Orleans, USA, February 1999.